As another year comes to a close, I find myself sitting here at my computer desk, reflecting back on what has come and gone. So many things that I planned on doing,

Things that I did and some things I did Not accomplish. I ponder on what makes a year a good year. I think to myself “What have I done over the past 12 months that has

truly mattered.” That, I believe, is what defines my year. Have I lived my life as full to the brim as I could have? Did I reach out to anyone and help them in some way? Did I

smile when I really wanted to cry? Did i set goals and achieve them or did I simply watch the year go by?

 I think about friends that I have known for what seems like forever and wonder where they have gone. Are they gone because i failed to be the friend I should have been or

are they gone simply because our season together came to it’s end. I have written on this subject before and even after many years, I am not sure i have a full grip on it

all. I do think that people come in to our lives for a reason. I think that sometimes the door is opened for me and other times, I opened the door myself. Either way, I had

the option, the choice to walk through it or simply close it. As the year moved on, I watched people that have been in my life slowly fade until all that is left is the

memories. New faces came and filled in where the others had been; filled in but never to replace.

 I sit and smile a soft smile, knowing in my heart that though I have “dropped the ball” many times this year, I have also held it with someone else until they were strong

enough to hold it themselves. I have loved with all of my heart and have given laughter to those around me. I have seen my 4th, 5th, and 6th novel in print and transfered

them to e-books. I have made the steps to buying the rights back to my first two novels and that is a wonderful thing.

 My mom and dad have dealt with huge medical issues and spent a lot of time in the hospital. I have been at their side through it all. So many changes and so many

things that has kept my life Filled to the brim and somedays… Overflowing. When that question comes back to my mind another comes with it. Have I given back the

blessings that I have been given more times than This man ever deserved? I think I have given and taken and balanced the two out as best as one could. So Yes, it has

been a Good year and it rings in the new with hope and love and smiles and the promise of a better tomorrow. It will be because I will make it so.

 I have friends and loved ones and joy. I have a roof over my head and my family is warm and fed. Bills are paid and life has moved on. There is little more, if anything, that

I could ask for. I asked the Lord to watch over my family and to keep them safe from harm. I resolve to lose weight, get healthier and reach out to those less fortunate than

me and give all that I have to give.  Happy New year to you all. I pray Only Gods very best for each and everyone of you.Hugss and love to you all from my heart to yours.

                                                    Happy New Year!!!!